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Curriculum Intent

Walderslade Primary School is determined to develop well-rounded, articulate, confident and high-achieving children, preparing them for life both within and outside of the classroom.

Our curriculum design develops and strengthens the generally average starting points that our children have when they enter school. The curriculum provides clear opportunities to develop the children’s knowledge and ensures that they apply this to deepen their understanding. We ensure that our curriculum is sequential, enabling our children to build and develop their knowledge as they move through the school.

The Walderslade curriculum ensures that there is a much greater emphasis on the ‘powerful knowledge’ that children need in order to not only truly understand concepts, but also to enable them to apply the knowledge, offer informed explanations, make links and spot patterns. Crucially, it will also provide them with the essential foundations for the next part of their educational journey and beyond.

Walderslade acknowledges and develops all pupils holistically. We promote positive mental health and well-being to enable all of our pupils to have the tools to learn and live together. As a result, the children of Walderslade show sensitivity and respect for all; they become responsible, independent young people who care about the world they live in and are able to demonstrate a moral sense of responsibility and self-discipline. They have a life long love of learning and a desire to expand their knowledge and skills throughout their lives.

See our Curriculum Overview here

Whole School Expedition Map

If you would like to discuss the curriculum further, please make an appointment via the office to discuss with our curriculum lead, Mrs Rowley-Jones.